Regular Meeting
November 3, 2010

Salute to Flag: 8:00 PM.


This is a Regular Meeting of the Wanaque Board of Adjustment and adequate notice has been given and it has been duly advertised by the placement of a notice in the Suburban Trends and Herald News on January 17, 2010 and a notice thereof has been posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building and a copy thereof is on file with the Borough Clerk.

ROLL CALL: Chairman Jack Dunning, Vice Chairman William Grygus, Members Peter Hoffman, Ed Leonard, Don Ludwig, Eric Willse, Jaime Landis and Joseph D’Alessio, Attorney Ronald Mondello and Engineer Christopher Nash.


APPLICATIONS: ZBA-2010-002 – 1040 Ringwood Avenue, LLC is on the agenda, but will not be heard. Applicant failed to give proper notice and the matter will be carried to the December meeting.
MOTION TO CARRY APPLICATION UNTIL DECEMBER MEETING: made by Member Ludwig, seconded by Member D’Alessio. Voting yes were Chairman Dunning, Vice Chairman Grygus, Members Hoffman, Leonard, Ludwig, Willse, Landis and D’Alessio.

Discussion ensued with regard to this application regarding the application being deemed complete and Attorney Mondello’s e-mail regarding legal theories governing the application.


RESOLUTIONS: Application No. ZBA-2010-01, Robert A. Heitzman, Jr., 27 Borman Drive, Wanaque, Block 261/Lot 12 for bulk and dimensional variances to construct a retaining wall 15 foot 6 inches in height when the maximum height permitted is 10 feet.
MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION AS PREPARED BY BOARD ATTORNEY: made by Member Willse, seconded by Member Landis. Voting yes were Members Leonard, Ludwig, Willse and Landis.


VOUCHERS: submitted by Ronald Mondello, Esq. for meeting attendance for tonight’s meeting for $300 and one for the Heitzman Resolution in the amount of $1,500.
MOTION TO APPROVE: made by Member Ludwig, seconded by Vice Chairman Grygus. Voting yes were Chairman Dunning, Vice Chairman Grygus, Members Hoffman, Leonard, Ludwig, Willse, Landis and D’Alessio

VOUCHERS: submitted by Boswell Engineering on the 1040 Ringwood Avenue, LLC Application in the amount of $1,494 and one for the Heitzman Application for $83.
MOTION TO APPROVE: made by Vice Chairman Grygus, seconded by Member Ludwig. Voting yes were Chairman Dunning, Vice Chairman Grygus, Members Hoffman, Leonard, Ludwig, Willse, Landis and D’Alessio.

MOTION TO APPROVE SEPTEMBER 1, 2010 MINUTES: made by Member Ludwig, seconded by Vice Chairman Grygus. Voting yes were Chairman Dunning, Vice Chairman Grygus, Members Leonard, Ludwig, Willse, Landis and D’Alessio. Member Hoffman abstained.

ENGINEER’S REPORT: Engineer Nash had nothing new to report.

DISCUSSION: Re-organization Meeting date and Regular Meeting dates for 2011 will be discussed at the December meeting.

MOTION TO ADJOURN AT 8:12 P.M.: Motion made by Member Ludwig, and seconded by Member Willse. Carried by a voice vote.

Jennifer A. Fiorito
Board of Adjustment Secretary