Regular Meeting
April 7, 2010Salute to Flag: 8:00 PM.
OPENING STATEMENT:This is a Regular Meeting of the Wanaque Board of Adjustment and adequate notice has been given and it has been duly advertised by the placement of a notice in the Suburban Trends and Herald News on January 17, 2010 and a notice thereof has been posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building and a copy thereof is on file with the Borough Clerk.
ROLL CALL: Chairman Jack Dunning, Vice Chairman William Grygus, Members Frank Covelli, Peter Hoffman, Don Ludwig, Eric Willse and Jaime Landis, Attorney Ronald Mondello, and Engineer Christopher Nash.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Ed Leonard and Joseph D’Alessio
MOTION TO APPROVE FEBRUARY 3, 2010 MINUTES: made by Member Covelli, seconded by Member Willse. Voting yes were Chairman Dunning, Vice Chairman Grygus, Members Covelli, Hoffman, Ludwig and Willse. Member Landis abstained.
CORRESPONDENCE: Disclosure Statements need to be submitted
PUBLIC DISCUSSION: Grace Maiello welcomed new Member Jaime Landis.
NEW MEMBER: Attorney Ronald Mondello swore in the Board’s new member, Jaime Landis, Alternate No. 1, term expiring December 31, 2010.
ENGINEER’S REPORT: Eng. Nash had nothing new to report.
RESOLUTIONS: Application No. ZBA-2009-03,Robert & Theresa Reilly, 28 Whistler Place, Block 459/Lot 13 for bulk and dimensional variances, with certain conditions, to construct a one story 20’ x 20’ addition with full basement.MOTION TO APPROVE RESOLUTION AS PREPARED BY THE BOARD ATTORNEY: made by Member Covelli, seconded by Member Grygus. Voting yes were Chairman Dunning, Vice Chairman Grygus, Members Covelli, Hoffman, Ludwig and Willse.
DISCUSSION: Vice Chairman Grygus discussed Sierra Landscaping and its sale of packaged Blue Rhino propane tank. No permits are necessary for this type of business.Member Ludwig asked about the signs at Holiday Inn. The Planning Board did approve the application and Holiday Inn was waiting until after the 45-day period from February 28, 2010 before applying for permits.
MOTION TO ADJOURN AT 8:10 P.M.: Carried by a voice vote.
Jennifer A. Fiorito
Board of Adjustment Secretary