April 18, 2005


A Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Wanaque was held on Monday, April 18, 2005, at 8:00 P.M. in the Wanaque Municipal Building.


The Mayor called the meeting to order.


            On roll call, the following Council Members responded: Balunis, Mahler, O’Connell, Pasquariello, Pettet, Theoharous.  The Mayor declared a quorum.  The Borough Attorney Anthony Fiorello and the Borough Engineer Michael Cristaldi were present.


The Mayor read the following Sunshine Statement: This is a Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council and adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the Mayor and Council by e-mailing notice of this meeting to the Suburban Trends and the Herald News newspapers on March 15, 2005 stating therein that this meeting would be held on Monday, April 18, 2005 at the time of 8:00 P.M. in the Wanaque Municipal Building, 579 Ringwood Avenue, Wanaque, New Jersey and a copy of this notice was posted on the bulletin board in the Wanaque Municipal Building on March 15, 2005 and a copy is on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk.




   National Day of Prayer – May 5, 2005:


            The Mayor read the following Proclamations:


WHEREAS, The Supreme Court has affirmed the right of state legislatures to open their sessions with prayer and the Supreme Court and the U.S. Congress themselves begin each day with prayer; and

WHEREAS, In 1988, legislation setting aside the first Thursday in May in each year as a National Day of Prayer was passed unanimously by both Houses of Congress and signed by President Ronald Reagan; and

WHEREAS, The National Day of Prayer is an opportunity for Americans of all faiths to join in united prayer to acknowledge our dependence on God, to give thanks for blessings received to request healing for wounds endured, and to ask God to guide our leaders and bring wholeness to the United States and her Citizens; and

WHEREAS, It is fitting and proper to give thanks to God by observing a day of prayer in Wanaque when all may acknowledge our blessings and express gratitude for them, while recognizing the need for strengthening religious and moral values in our State and nation;

NOW, THEREFORE, I Warren Hagstrom, Mayor of the town of Wanaque, do hereby proclaim the first Thursday in May, 2005, to be designated as





and encourage the citizens of Wanaque to observe the day in ways appropriate to its importance and significance.


   Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month – June 2005:


WHEREAS, Myasthenia Gravis is a neuromuscular disease striking children and adults, affecting control of voluntary muscles and afflicting several hundred of our fellow New Jerseyans; and

            WHEREAS, the symptoms of this disorder include, but are not limited to, difficulty moving, breathing, swallowing, speaking and seeing; and

            WHEREAS, the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America, Inc. is a non-profit organization founded, "to facilitate the timely diagnosis and optimal care of individuals affected by myasthenia gravis and closely related disorders, and to improve their lives through programs of patient services, public information, medical research, professional education, advocacy, and patient care"; and

            WHEREAS, Myasthenia Gravis is the most common neuromuscular disorder affecting the residents of New Jersey; and

            WHEREAS, it is fitting to recognize the many physicians who demonstrate an untiring effort to treat this disease and search for a cure;

            NOW, THEREFORE, I, Warren Hagstrom, Mayor of the Borough of Wanaque do hereby proclaim

June 2005








Regular Meeting of March 14, 2005.


On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Pasquariello and O’Connell moved a motion to approve the aforementioned Minutes.

On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.




   Sidewalk Assessment – Resolution #62-0-05:


            The Mayor asked Brian Townsend to come up and explain the Sidewalk Assessment process.

            Brian Townsend explained the purpose of the special assessment is to apply cost figures to Block and Lots.  The payment is due within sixty days and people can pay according to the payment schedule the Tax Collector has.


            The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on the Sidewalk Assessment.


            Lori Bull, 14 Prospect Street, Wanaque spoke in opposition to the assessment and said it should be paid by everyone in town and not just the homeowners and don’t think it is fair to the homeowners.


            Sandy Lawson, 28 Haskell Avenue, Haskell spoke about in 1996 the condition of the sidewalks for the school children was horrible and a guardrail was installed.  There should be a trust fund established to pay for the sidewalks.


            Maria Staropoli, 1283 Ringwood Avenue, Haskell spoke about having moved there recently and had received the letter for the sidewalk assessment but had never heard anything about it before.


            Scott Manzak, 1182 Ringwood Avenue, Haskell spoke about being quoted a lower rate and now the rate is higher.  What was the formula for how the figure was established?

            The Borough Engineer said there was a price for the footage in front of your property.

            Scott Manzak spoke about an issue from the end of Phase I with the wall on the property.  It was replaced with a cement wall and would like to get brick the same as the others that were done.  The wall that was put up we won’t accept.


            Ted DiLaura, 1173, 1219 and 1228 Ringwood Avenue, Haskell spoke about the grade of the slant for the property.

            The Borough Administrator explained the situation.


            On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Mahler and Balunis moved that,


WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the Borough of Wanaque adopted Ordinance

13-0-01 establishing an assessment on certain properties for the installation of sidewalks on Ringwood Avenue in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:56-1 et seq. and

            WHEREAS, the work has been satisfactorily completed, and the Tax Assessor has filed a report of Assessment; and

            WHEREAS, all affected property owners were notified that a public hearing on the proposed assessment would be held on April 18, 2005; and

            WHEREAS, a public hearing on the assessment has been held, and the Governing Body wishes to confirm said assessment;

            NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the report of the Tax Assessor is hereby approved and confirmed, and that said report be filed with the Tax Collector; and

            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tax Collector is authorized and directed to issue Special Assessment bills on a semi-annual basis for a period of up to 10 years.


            On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.





On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Theoharous and Mahler moved that,

Municipal Budget of the Borough of Wanaque, County of Passaic for the Fiscal Year 2005.  It is hereby certified that the Budget and Capital Budget annexed hereto and hereby made a part hereof is a true copy of the Budget and Capital Budget approved by resolution of the Governing Body on the 18th day of April, 2005 and that public advertisement will be made in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S. 40A:4-6 and N.J.A.C. 5:30-4.4(d).  Certified by me, this 18th day of April, 2005, Katherine J. Falone, Clerk.  It is hereby certified that the approved Budget annexed hereto and hereby made a part is an exact copy of the original on file with the Clerk of the Governing Body, that all additions are correct, all statements contained herein are in proof and the total of anticipated revenues equals the total of appropriations.  Certified by me, this 18th day of April, 2005, Charles J. Ferraioli, Jr., Registered Municipal Accountant, Certified by me, this 18th day of April, 2005, Mary Ann Brindisi, Chief Financial Officer.


On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.


Councilmen Theoharous and Mahler moved that,


Municipal Budget of the Borough of Wanaque, County of Passaic for the Fiscal Year 2005:

BE IT RESOLVED, that the following statements of revenues and appropriations shall constitute the Municipal Budget for the year 2005;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Budget be published by summary only in the Suburban Trends in the issue of May 1, 2005;

The Governing Body of the Borough of Wanaque does hereby approve the following as the Budget for the year 2005:


RECORDED VOTE:   Ayes:   Balunis                   Nays:  NONE


                                                  O’Connell              Abstained:  NONE


                                                  Pettet                      Absent:  NONE



Notice is hereby given that the Budget and Tax Resolution was approved by the Governing Body of the Borough of Wanaque, County of Passaic, on April 18, 2005.

A Hearing on the Budget and Tax Resolution will be held at the Municipal Building, on May 16, 2005 at 8:00 P.M. at which time and place objections to said Budget and Tax Resolution for the year 2005 may be presented by taxpayers or other interested persons.




   Public Hearing of Ord. #10-0-05:

     Re:  Amend Chapter 114, Zoning to establish RD 4 Zone




   Public Hearing of Ord. #11-0-05:

     Re:  Authorize Sale of Property


On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen O’Connell and Mahler moved a motion that Ordinance #11-0-05 be taken from the table and read by the Clerk, by title only, for consideration of final reading.

 On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.




This Ordinance has been duly advertised in accordance with the statutes; a copy was posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building, a copy was available for the public to read in the Clerk's office; and copies are available for the public present here this evening.


The Mayor opened the Public Hearing.

No one came forward.

The Mayor closed the Public Hearing.


Councilmen Pasquariello and O’Connell moved that,


BE IT RESOLVED that an Ordinance entitled:  AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES OWNED BY THE BOROUGH OF WANAQUE, PASSAIC COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, AND NOT REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 40A:12-13 ET SEQ. pass final reading and that said Ordinance be adopted as an Ordinance of the Borough of Wanaque; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Borough Clerk be and she is hereby directed to cause said Ordinance to be published in the manner prescribed by law.


            On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.


   Introduction of Ord. #12-0-05:

     Re:  Increase in Development Fees


            On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Balunis and Theoharous moved that Ordinance #12-0-05 be taken from the table and read by the Clerk, by title only, for consideration of first reading.

On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.



On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Balunis and Theoharous moved that,


BE IT RESOLVED that an Ordinance entitled:  AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF WANAQUE, CHAPTER 72, ENTITLED “DEVELOPMENT FEES”, TO AMEND SAID FEES pass first reading, and that said Ordinance be further considered for final passage and adoption at a Meeting of the Borough Council to be held on the 16th day of May 2005, at the Municipal Building in the Borough of Wanaque at 8:00 P.M., and that at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said Ordinance; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Borough Clerk be instructed to publish in the manner provided by law a copy of said Ordinance, together with introduction thereof and notice when same will be considered for final passage and adoption.


            On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.


   Introduction of Ord. #13-0-05:

     Re:  Ordinance to exceed the Municipal Budget Appropriation Limits and to establish

             a Cap Bank


            On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen O’Connell and Mahler moved that Ordinance #13-0-05 be taken from the table and read by the Clerk, by title only, for consideration of first reading.

On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.




On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Pasquariello and O’Connell moved that,


BE IT RESOLVED that an Ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES OWNED BY THE BOROUGH OF WANAQUE, PASSAIC COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, AND NOT REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 40A:12-13 ET SEQ. pass first reading, and that said Ordinance be further considered for final passage and adoption at a Meeting of the Borough Council to be held on the 18th day of April 2005, at the Municipal Building in the Borough of Wanaque at 8:00 P.M., and that at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said Ordinance; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Borough Clerk be instructed to publish in the manner provided by law a copy of said Ordinance, together with introduction thereof and notice when same will be considered for final passage and adoption.


            On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.




            The Mayor opened the Public Discussion.


            Bernie Kerwin, 23 Burnside Place, Haskell presented a plaque to Councilman Tom Balunis for his work on getting the medal from the Navy for Bill Van Wilpe.


            Wendall Ackerman, 1 Eastside Avenue, Wanaque spoke in sharp protest to an incident in Flip’s Bar on February 3, 2005 which he was humiliated and a complaint was made against him by someone from out of town.  On February 7, 2005 the owner of Flip’s was sent a certified letter for an apology for the situation and to serve the person who made the complaint.  Mr. Agostino approached the situation in woefully wrong way.  


            George Dillinsky, 921 Ringwood Avenue, Haskell spoke about a letter received in 2000 from Richard A. Alaimo regarding bushes relocated two hundred feet westerly from the existing location on his property and the railroad ties were moved.  Photographs were passed around to the Mayor and Council.  The tax bill is the same amount being taxed for the property had but don’t have the same property now.

            The Borough Attorney said the Tax Assessor is available to meet with you regarding any discrepancies.

            The Borough Administrator said I met with you and the Mayor and we agreed on an amount for the bushes.  A voucher was sent out to you and we’re waiting on that.

            George Dillinsky said we agreed on the burning bushes.  There are children walking on the wall in front of the house.  Who is responsible if a child falls?

            The Borough Attorney said to inform the parents with the children not to walk on the wall.

            The Borough Administrator said when the contractor is back up in the area it will be taken care of.


            Ann Macko, 92 Bergen Avenue, Haskell spoke about stopping the speeding on the street.  Is anything going to be done?  Someone will get badly hurt.

            The Borough Administrator explained what is being done to stop the speeding and problems through the detour.


            Christine Vreeland, 42 Fifth Avenue, Haskell asked for the barrier to be put back up.  People don’t stop at the stop signs and I can’t walk my dog.


            Debbie Weixel, 87 Bergen Avenue, Haskell spoke about in one week only thirty five tickets have been issued by the police and hundreds of cars go through there.


            Jerry Lyons, 93 Bergen Avenue, Haskell spoke about getting a portable speed sign which shows how fast you’re going to put on Rockridge Road and Bergen Avenue and have a speed trap.


            Sandy Lawson, 28 Haskell Avenue, Haskell asked about Resolution #66-0-05 what are the Block and Lots and Resolution #67-0-05 what is it?

            The Borough Administrator gave the Block and Lots and explained Resolution #67-0-05.

            Sandy Lawson spoke about combining of the Work and Regular meetings.  Why are the meetings the same night?

            The Mayor said the Council agrees to both meetings one night.

            The Borough Attorney said this is an efficient way to do the agenda.

            Sandy Lawson said the residents need to be aware of what’s going on.  It’s not more convenient for the residents.  What is the status of the pipeline for the Haskell property?  The Borough Engineer and the School Board Engineer are constructing a parking lot proposal?

            The Borough Administrator said it’s not definite.  Have not accepted the proposal yet.

            Sandy Lawson said there are other things the school could use a lot more needed things.  Maybe Pulte can handle the parking lot also.


            Lori Bull, 14 Prospect Street, Wanaque asked about the combining of the Work and Regular meetings.

            The Borough Administrator said the resolutions and business would be done first and then the discussion items.  Some things get done and have to be repeated over and over.

            Lori Bull asked if things will get discussed and can we still speak?

            The Borough Administrator said yes things will still be discussed and there will still be public discussion.


            Grace Maiello, 26 Rhinesmith Avenue, Wanaque spoke about two meetings for the public to make comments and the public to ask questions.  The public is not able to participate.  Asking as a resident not a Board Member regarding the pipe at Haskell School whose property would it be?

            The Borough Administrator said it would become Municipal property.

            Grace Maiello said you won’t be able to drive on it and it would be a safety issue for the children – not to cause a health and safety issue.  The pipe may break under pressure.  The building has structural weakness.  Would appreciate considering doing the pipe and apparatus somewhere else.

            The Borough Administrator explained the situation with regard to the pipeline at the Haskell School.  The Governing Body would not do anything to endanger the welfare of residents or especially the children.


            Sandy Lawson, 28 Haskell Avenue, Haskell asked if the pipes hold two million gallons of water a day.

            The Borough Administrator said it does not hold two million gallons it is pumped through the pipes and they do not hold the water.

            Sandy Lawson said the school needs more work, windows and need to get more out of Pulte.  Who is responsible for the pipes?

            The Borough Administrator said once they become the Boroughs the Boroughs insurance would normally cover anything for that.

            Sandy Lawson said what is the cost of performance bond?

            The Borough Administrator said one hundred twenty percent.


            The Mayor closed the Public Discussion.      




   Two (2) Applications for Used Car Lots:

     Re:  1) Ameri-Car & Truck Sales, Inc., 891 Ringwood Avenue, Haskell,

             2) Automotive Handlers, 1368 Ringwood Avenue, Haskell (Approved

             by the Police Department, Building Department and Health Department)


   Application for Ice Cream Vendor License:

     Re:  Sandra Cruz-Qutishat – S & A Ice Cream (Approved by the Police Department

            and the Health Department)


   Resolution #64-0-05:

     Re:  Refund of Water overpayment on Block 438, Lots 3 and 3.02  in the amount of



WHEREAS, there exists an overpayment of water charges on the properties listed herein:


BLOCK                    LOT AMOUNT

438                               3    45.00

438                                3.02                            100.60


WHEREAS, the property owner has requested a refund of said overpayment.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer shall refund a total of  $145.60 from Water Operating as per the certification of the Tax Collector.


   Resolution #65-0-05:

     Re:  Cancel Taxes on Block 246, Lot 1 in the amount of $138.83


WHEREAS, due to a billing error there remains a balance due of taxes on Block 246 Lot 1, and

WHEREAS, thru no fault of the property owner this balance remains unpaid.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council direct the Tax Collector to cancel the balance of taxes due in the amount of $138.83.


   Resolution #66-0-05:

     Re:  Properties to be held from the 2005 Tax Sale


WHEREAS, a tax sale for the year 2004 delinquent property taxes and municipal charges will be held, and

WHEREAS, there are properties that need to be exempt from the tax sale:


BLOCK          LOT                                   

            200.02             22            making payments on water charges

430                        12.01       making payment on taxes


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council direct the Tax Collector to exempt the properties listed from the Tax Sale.


   Resolution #67-0-05:

     Re:  Emergency Temporary Resolution


   Payment to Treasurer, State of New Jersey/1983 GTLN:

     Re:  Back Beach Park Improvements in the amount of $12,432.99


   Application for Amusement License:

     Re:  Joseph Agostino, Flip’s, 18 Railroad Avenue, Wanaque (Approved by the

            Police Department and the Fire Prevention Bureau)


            On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen O’Connell and Pettet moved a motion to approve the aforementioned Consent Agenda.

            On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.




1.   Clerk's Receipts ‑ NONE.


2.   Police Department Report  - NONE.


3.   Tax Collector's Report for March 2005    NONE.


4.   Municipal Court Report for March 2005    $17,877.19.


5.   Welfare Report for March 2005  -  NONE.


On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Mahler and O’Connell moved that reports be received and filed; and that all monies be turned over to the Treasurer.

On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.




               Warren Hagstrom





            The Borough Engineer said I have no report.




            The Borough Attorney said I have no report.




            The Borough Administrator reported Ringwood Avenue is moving along.  The ball fields are in decent shape.  Back Beach flooded with the rain we had.  There is an agreement with Ringwood for additional water and a grant is available for Fire and EMS radios in the amount of $135,000.00.  The revised plans for Addice Park are moving along and hope to be done soon.  There is a $45,000.00 Liveable Grant for Community Living available to help with the First Aid Squad Roof.




   Letter from Lorraine LaNeve:

     Re:  National Day of Prayer – May 5, 2005  


            The request to gather at the flagpole and to have the date put on the bulletin board out front of Borough Hall was approved.




   Status – Rainbow Valley Lake Dam:


            The Borough Engineer is in the process of finalizing the paperwork for the Department of Environmental Protection.


   Combining of Work Session and Business Meeting:


            The Borough Administrator said we are going to try combining the Work and Regular meetings for June, July and August and the meetings will begin at 7:00 P.M.


   May Meeting Date:


            The Borough Administrator said we need twenty eights days between the introduction and the public hearing and adoption of the 2005 Municipal Budget so the May meeting is to be rescheduled to May 16, 2005.  The Work meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. and the Regular Meeting will begin at 8:00 P.M.


   Closed Session:

     Re:  Litigation/Negotiation/Personnel


            Held to the end of the meeting.




   Resolution #53-0-05:

     Re:  Property Sale


            WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the Borough of Wanaque adopted Ordinance #11-0-05 on April 18, 2005, authorizing the sale of certain real properties owned by the Borough of Wanaque; and

            WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish a date of sale and minimum bids for each of said properties.

            NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED as follows:


(1)        The Borough Clerk be and she is hereby directed to advertise for the sale of those properties and conditions of sale as listed in Ordinance #11-0-05, for the opening of bids to be held on Monday, May 23, 2005 at 10:00 A.M. in the Wanaque Municipal Building, 579 Ringwood Avenue, Wanaque, N.J.

(2)        That the Borough Clerk shall receive sealed bids on forms prescribed by her up until the date and time of sale.

(3)        That the minimum bids for each property shall be as follows:


Block Lot Minimum Bid

                                     427                 7,8,9                    $3,000




   Resolution #68-0-05:

     Re:  Approve Developers Agreement – Holiday Inn Select


            On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Theoharous and Pasquariello moved that,

            BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Borough Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement between the Borough of Wanaque and Shree Badha Shivam LLC as successor transferee and grantee of Sassafras Properties, LLC for the development of the property known as Block 468, Lot 3.01.


            On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

   Resolution #69-0-05:

     Re:  Appointment of Plumbing Inspector


            On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Pasquariello and Pettet moved that,


BE IT RESOLVED that Joseph Albanese, 113 MacDonald Drive, Wayne, New Jersey be and he is hereby appointed as a Plumbing Inspector, provisional, part time, effective April 4, 2005 at an hourly salary of $35.00 per hour.


            On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.


   Resolution #70-0-05:

     Re:  Lease Amendment – Sprint


            On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen O’Connell and Balunis moved that,


WHEREAS, Sprint Spectrum Realty Company entered into a lease agreement with the Borough of Wanaque for the installation of a cellular tower at the Haskell Water Tank; and

            WHEREAS, Sprint Spectrum Realty Company wishes to sublease its entire interest to an affiliate of Global Signal, which is allowable under said lease;

            NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Borough Clerk be and are hereby authorized and directed to sign an “Amendment Regarding Ground Lease” in regards to this transaction.


            On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.


   Resolution #71-0-05:

     Re:  Approve Yard Waste Disposal – Nature’s Choice


            On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Pasquariello and O’Connell moved that,


WHEREAS, the Borough Administrator solicited proposals for the disposal of recyclable materials (grass, leaves, brush), and after review, recommended that a contract be awarded to Nature’s Choice Corporation at a cost of $0.72 per yard for pickup and $7.95 per yard for delivery at their site; and

            WHEREAS, the marketing of recyclable materials is exempt from public bidding under N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5 et seq.;

            NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Borough Clerk be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with Nature’s Choice Corporation, 1111 Springfield Road, Union, NJ 07083 in accordance with their quotation; and

            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Financial Officer has certified that funds are available in budget account 5-CU-01-135-252.



   Resolution #72-0-05:

     Re:  Award Bid – Demolition of 1075-1077 Ringwood Avenue


            On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Pasquariello and Mahler moved that,


WHEREAS, the Borough of Wanaque advertised for and received bids on April 14, 2005 for the demolition of the property located at 1073-1075 Ringwood Avenue, including the removal of asbestos; and


            WHEREAS, the following bids were received:


Nextrix Inc.                                                      $  89,000.00

V. Ottilio                                                        $118,575.00

Bako Construction                                         $132,000.00

Salvco Construction                                         $161,000.00


WHEREAS, the Borough Administrator has reviewed the bid of Nextrix, Inc. and found it to be responsive and responsible;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a contract be awarded to Nextrix Inc., 95 Berkshire Avenue, Paterson, New Jersey 07502 in the amount of $89,000.00 for the demolition of the property at 1073-1075 Ringwood Avenue; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Financial Officer has certified that funds are available in budget account X-GC-03-323-201.


            On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.


   Resolution #73-0-05:

     Re:  Professional Services – Art Bernard – COAH Planner


            On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Balunis and O’Connell moved that,


WHEREAS, the Borough of Wanaque is in need of a professional planner specializing in COAH matters; and

            WHEREAS, the Borough Administrator has received a proposal from Art Bernard, P.P. Principal THP, Inc. dated February 22, 2005 to provide said specializing services; and

            WHEREAS, professional planning services are exempt from public bidding under NJSA40A:11-5;

            NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Borough Administrator is authorized and directed to execute a letter agreement with Art Bernard, P.P. dated February 22, 2005 for professional planning services; and

            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Borough Clerk publish a notice of this action once in the Suburban Trends.


            On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.


            Councilman Mahler requested the letter from West Milford supporting water consumption be done.




Councilman Mahler said your Finance Committee respectfully reports that they have examined and approved the following and recommend that warrants be issued for their payment when the funds of the Borough of Wanaque are sufficient to meet them.




CURRENT                                                2004                           $    9,414.66


CURRENT                                                2005                             254,196.18


CURRENT PRE-PAID                                                                    95,353.57


WATER OPERATING                             2004                               11,836.70


WATER OPERATING                             2005                               19,533.87   


WATER OPERATING PRE-PAID                                                10,762.44


WATER CAPITAL                                                                              531.50


GENERAL CAPITAL                                                                   142,954.53


ESCROW BOOKKEEPER                                                             33,420.78


DOG DEDICATED                                                                                61.80


MUNICIPAL ALLIANCE                                                                     35.33


RECREATION TRUST FUND                                                        1,325.00


PUBLIC ASSISTANCE                                                             __ 10,736.25__                                                             


                                                          TOTAL VOUCHERS      $  590,162.61


On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the resolution adopted and forthwith approved it.

APPROVED:  April 18, 2005



              Warren Hagstrom




            Councilmen Mahler and Pasquariello moved a resolution approving the following payrolls:


                                    Payroll #6                p/e 03/24/05                  $157,999.14


                                    Payroll #7                p/e 04/08/05                 _ 162,606.59_


                                                                           Payroll Total           $320,605.73


                                                                        GRAND TOTAL       $910,768.34


On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the resolution adopted and forthwith approved it.

APPROVED:  April 18, 2005



                  Warren Hagstrom





   Closed Session:

     Re:  Litigation/Negotiation/Personnel


            On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Mahler and O’Connell moved that,


WHEREAS, Section 8 of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975, (N.J.S.A. 10:4-1) permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances; and

WHEREAS, This public Body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Wanaque, County of Passaic, State of New Jersey, as follows:

1.  The public shall be excluded from discussion of action upon the hereinafter specified subject matter.

2.  The general nature of the subject matter to be discussed is as follows:

1)      Contract Negotiations.

3.      The Mayor and Council shall release and disclose to the general public the

discussion and actions taken on the subject matter of the above mentioned closed session when the reasons for discussing and acting on the matter in closed session no longer exist, but no later than one month of the Mayor and Council arriving at a final decision on the specified subject matter.


            On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried



            On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Mahler and Balunis moved a motion to reconvene.

            On roll call, all were present.




On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Pasquariello and O’Connell moved a motion to adjourn the meeting.

On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried; meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M.



Katherine J. Falone, RMC, CMC

Municipal Clerk