February 1, 2006




Salute to Flag:


This is a Regular Meeting of the Wanaque Board of Adjustment and adequate notice has been duly advertised by the mailing of a notice to the Suburban Trends and the Herald & News on the 6th day of January 2006 and a notice has been posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building and a copy thereof is on file with the Borough Clerk.


ROLL CALL: Chairman Jack Dunning, Members William Grygus, Frank Covelli (came in at 8:10 P.M.), Peter Hoffman, Don Ludwig, Ed Leonard, Art Koning, Eric Willse, Attorney Ralph Faasse and Engineer William Gregor.




Application #11-05 Cosimo & Teresa Santoro, 1185 Ringwood Ave., Block 448 Lot 8.01, Bulk & Use Variances. Atty. Faasse received a letter from Atty. Carlo Coppa asking for this application to be carried to the March 1, 2006 due to the fact the newspaper notice required did not meet the appropriate time requirements.


MOTION MADE TO CARRY APPLICATION TO THE MARCH 1, 2006 MEETING: made by Member Ludwig, seconded by Member Grygus, voting yes were Chairman Dunning, Members Grygus, Hoffman, Ludwig, Leonard, Koning and Willse.


Application #19-05 Biggio Brothers, Inc. (New Century Gunite), 835 Ringwood Ave., Block 306 Lot 7, Site Plan, Commercial & Use Variances:  Atty. Faasse received a letter from Attorney James R. Gregory asking to be carried to the March 1, 2006 Meeting because of the heavy agenda. Atty. Gregory feels that his application might not be heard and considering the number of experts that he would call as witnesses, he is requesting the application be carried.

It was recommended that a letter be sent to the attorney advising him that if testimony is not given at the March 1, 2006 Meeting, re-notice will be necessary to the newspaper and public.


MOTION MADE TO CARRY APPLICATION TO THE MARCH 1, 2006 MEETING AND THAT THE BOARD SECRETARY SEND A LETTER TO THE ATTORNEY ADVISING HIM IF TESTIMONY IS NOT GIVEN AT THE MARCH 1, 2006 MEETING, HE WILL HAVE TO RE-NOTICE:  made by Member Ludwig, seconded by Member Grygus, voting yes were Chairman Dunning, Members Grygus, Hoffman, Ludwig, Leonard, Koning and Willse.


Application #20-05 Steven M. & Rebecca Abma, 38 Furnace Ave., Block 220 Lot 7, Bulk Variance: The Board Secretary received a letter from E. David Becker, Esq. asking for the application to be carried to the March 1, 2006 Meeting. The applicants are still in the process of revising plans and drawings for the professionals and the Board to review.


MOTION TO CARRY APPLICATION TO THE MARCH 1, 2006 MEETING: made by Member Ludwig, seconded by Member Grygus, voting yes were Chairman Dunning, Members Grygus, Hoffman, Ludwig, Leonard, Koning and Willse.


Application #03-06 Robert Barrett, One Decker Rd., Block 413 Lot 29, Bulk Variance: Mr. & Mrs. Barrett came forward.

Atty. Faasse asked Mr. & Mrs. Barrett if they had an opportunity to review Eng. Gregor’s report and they said no. Atty. Faasse asked Mr. & Mrs. Barrett if they were planning on bringing in Eng. Robert A. Walz from Michigan. Mr. Barrett said the Premier Sunrooms has an office in New Jersey. Atty. Faasse explained the Board couldn’t rely on Eng. Walz’s certification of the plans because he is not licensed in the State of New Jersey and his license has expired. Therefore, if Premier Sunrooms has a company in New Jersey they have to get someone in New Jersey to certify the plans. Mrs. Barrett said she contacted the builder and he said they had submitted sealed drawings. Atty. Faasse said they did submit drawings but they are not sealed.  Eng. Gregor said he checked the validity of the license with the State Board of Professional Engineers and according to their records Eng. Walz’s license had expired in 1992. Eng. Gregor recommended the Board not proceed with this application tonight. Also, no site plan was submitted to indicate where on the structure the sunroom was to be built. The engineer drew details of the size but no location as to where on the structure the sunroom would be. Eng. Gregor suggested to Mr. & Mrs. Barrett to have their engineer call him to straighten this matter out.

Eng. Gregor added that the revised plans have to be on file 10 days before the next meeting.



made by Member Grygus, seconded by Member Willse, voting yes were Chairman Dunning, Members Grygus, Covelli, Hoffman, Ludwig, Leonard, Koning and Willse.


Application #10-05 David Donus, 1019 Ringwood Ave., Block 408 Lot 13, Site Plan, Use Variance & Bulk Variance:  Attorney John M. Barbarula came forward on behalf of his client. Atty. Faasse told Atty. Barbarula that the three new Board Members have either read the transcript or listened to the tape from the previous meeting. Atty. Barbarula said they have eliminated all variances on this application.


The sole remaining variance is a Use Variance. Bulk Variances are gone, setbacks are gone, side yards are gone and parking is gone. Atty. Barbarula went on to say the plan before the Board tonight is more adaptable to the site and also in keeping with the setbacks and the type of parking considerations the Borough has in the newly adopted Redevelopment Zone.

Engineer Gerald Gardner came forward.

Eng. Gregor said, looking at the width of the proposed parking spaces, they’re being shown as 8’ wide, and if that’s the case, a variance is required. Chairman Dunning added, the Borough Ordinance states the size should be 10’ X 20’. Eng. Gregor agreed and went on to say that “RSIS” (Residential Site Improvement Standards) permit 9’ X 18. Eng. Gregor said, since this application is residential, falls under the “RSIS”, therefore, 9’ X 18’ would be a non-variance by the “RSIS”. Eng. Gardner said the plans would be modified to be 9’ X 18’. Eng. Gregor also said, the requirement under the barrier free code in N.J. adopts the “ADA” Standards requiring that the first handicap accessible space must be van accessible. The one shown on the plan is not van accessible. Van Accessible requires an 8’ width with an 8’ landing area. Eng. Gregor asked Eng. Gardner to address that as well. Atty. Barbarula said the parking spaces would be 9’ X 18’ with a 2’ overhang. Eng. Gregor said it’s the van accessible space that they need to work on.

Eng. Gardner went over the revised plans and said everything meets the guidelines as well as the Ordinance. He also mentioned the storm water drainage with reference to the trash disposal. The original plan called for the buildings to line up east/west line with sheet run-off across the property. What they will do is cut that off at the buildings so they have to swale all the water to the northern side of the property and will be putting a lip behind the curb to catch the water before it gets to the pavement and run it underneath into the same drainage system. There will also be individual water service and sanitary service to each building and will be shown on the revised plan. Atty. Barbarula said he checked on another project and right now there is capacity for sewer but he hasn’t checked for water. In reference to the lighting plan, Atty. Barbarula said there is a slight spill over and asked Eng. Gardner how is that being addressed. Eng. Gardner said they would be installing shields on the lighting poles.

Atty. Barbarula asked Eng. Gardner to go the basic changes to the site. Eng. Gardner said all the parking was in the north/south direction, now its in east, west & north/south, building is setback to line up more with the residents immediately to the north and units are still the same size but a little different in layout. Eng. Gregor told Eng. Gardner that the architectural plans should be in agreement with what’s on the site plan and they are not. Atty. Barbarula mentioned that the applicant hasn’t decided whether these condo units will be for sale or just rent, and it all depends on what the market is like. If the interest rates are through the roof, they will be rentals and if the economy stays good, they might be for sale. Atty. Barbarula said, with regard to the first unit closest to the street, based upon the amount of space available, could there be a ramp for that unit considering the elevation? Eng. Gardner answered yes.


Member Grygus asked about what kind of trees were they proposing along the sidewalk on Ringwood Ave. because Member Grygus is concerned about the canopy height and there could be a potential sight line issue looking south on Ringwood Avenue for someone looking to pull out going north on Ringwood Avenue. Eng. Gardner said there’s quite a bit of space there and they would have to be pretty low and big to reach out there. Eng. Gregor said they would need County approval for the plantings. Chairman Dunning wanted to know how the truck will access the dumpster site for pick-up. Eng. Gardner said they would have to pull in and back into a space and out and if the parking lot is full, it will obviously be an issue. You can’t back onto Ringwood Avenue, therefore, so if the truck pulls in and picks it up and can’t turn around in a space, he will have to back down to the front parking area and back in there and pull out. Eng. Gardner mentioned the “Open Space Use” and they proposed a hiking trail, a picnic area and swing sets. Chairman Dunning asked if the retaining walls match Borough Code and Eng. Gregor said the retaining walls are both 4’ that are 4’ off set which meets the Borough Code. The retaining walls are approximately 6’ to 8’ from the dwelling units and he suggested that the Fire Department should provide comment on this because the Fire Department typically likes to have 20’ clear to fight a structure fire from any three sides. Eng. Gardner commented by saying you can’t access this site by truck but they might want 10’ or something and he will make it work for whatever they want. Eng. Gardner said he could make more room in the back by moving the retaining walls but he cant’ on the south side. Eng. Gregor said his recommendation to the Board is to get the Fire Department’s comments before any decision is made.


Attorney Faasse asked if anyone in the public had any questions for Eng. Gardner. No one came forward.


Eng. Gardner announced to the Board he has a “Certificate of Exemption” from the County for four units or less which his assistant David Dorin handed to him from the file.


Kenneth Ochab, Professional Planner came forward.  License #2149 State of N.J., Masters Degree in Planning from Rutgers University, 30 years of experience working for other county, state and local government in planning positions.

Atty. Barbarula asked Mr. Ochab if he had an opportunity to review the revised plans and he said yes. Atty. Barbarula asked, based upon the number of units, bedrooms and trip generation, what effect adding 3 parking spaces per unit have to this new plan as opposed to before? Mr. Ochab said its much better in the sense that the issue discussed at the last meeting concerning the occupants of the units and the types of visitors they may have or number of occupants for each unit. If by chance you do have 3 drivers per unit; there will be sufficient spaces as long as they keep the 12 spaces for the car for each one of the individuals. Mr. Ochab said they have eliminated all the Bulk Variances for both the B-Zone and the R-10 Zone. The character of this area is almost exclusively residential in nature.

Eng. Gregor said to Mr. Ochab, with three bedroom apartments is it typical to have small children residing in this location? Mr. Ochab answered by saying; its not generally typical but is it possible, yes. Eng. Gregor asked if there were small children where would they play? Mr. Ochab said, as long as there is an area in the rear there certainly is an area for recreational purposes. It’s Mr. Ochab’s feelings, based on his dealings with this type of project elsewhere, the age of the child might be very young, under five or college age children. The thought behind that is that usually young married people move into an apartment or buy a condo and when their children get a little older they want to buy a house.

Mr. David Donus, the applicant, came forward and was asked by Atty. Barbarula his preference to renting or selling and he said he preferred selling.

Member Willse asked about the rock on the site and Eng. Gardner said there will be blasting on the site.




Atty. Barbarula said he would like to bifurcate the application for the Use Variance and carry for the Site Plan. Based upon the comments about bringing this application to the attention of the Fire Department and may generate a change about the location of the dumpster and wall, he would like to carry the Site Plan and have a determination tonight on the Use Variance. Atty. Faasse said if the Fire Department comes back with any major changes, then the Board would have a problem voting tonight or the applicant could wait and do it all at once. Chairman Dunning said the Board would have to decide about bifurcating the application or not.


MOTION TO CARRY APPLICATION TO THE NEXT MEETING PENDING REVIEW AND COMMENT FROM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, REVISED SITE PLAN, AND NEW ARCHITECTURAL AND ELEVATIONS OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING: made by Member Covelli, seconded by Member Ludwig, voting yes were Chairman Dunning, Members Grygus, Covelli, Ludwig, Leonard, Koning and Willse. Member Hoffman voted no.




RECONVENED AT 10:03 P.M.  All Members present as before the recess.

Application #02-06 “Wanaque Landscaping & Garden Supply”, 1434 Ringwood Ave., Block 478 Lot 3, Interpretation of Zoning Ordinance of the Borough of Wanaque: Atty. Jerome Vogel came forward on behalf of the applicant and told the


Board they have two more applications that precede his and it is 9:50 P.M. and the close off is 10:30 P.M.  Atty. Vogel said it would not be prudent to sit and wait because it doesn’t look like the Board would have time to hear the application. Therefore, Atty. Vogel asked to be carried to the next meeting.


MOTION TO CARRY APPLICATION TO THE MARCH 1, 2006 MEETING: made by Member Ludwig, seconded by Member Covelli, voting yes were Chairman Dunning, Members Grygus, Covelli, Hoffman, Ludwig, Leonard, Koning and Willse.


Application #15-05 Theodore Di Laura, 10 Whistler Place, Block 458 Lot 20, Bulk & Use Variance: Mr. Di Laura came forward. New plans were submitted by Mr. Di Laura dated January 17, 2006. Atty. Faasse swore in Mr. Di Laura who lives at 7 Franklin Place, Haskell, N.J. Mr. Di Laura said what he is trying to do is square off the building from the first floor to the second floor and he will be gaining six (6) feet all the way around and will end up with a two bedroom apartment instead of a one bedroom apartment. Mr. Di Laura testified that this is a two family dwelling. Eng. Gregor added that the application doesn’t specify that this is a two family it just states, “to construct a second story apartment”. Member Grygus brought to the Board’s attention that in Eng. Gregor’s report the applicant is looking for a 19.8’ front yard setback to First Avenue, which exists now to the dwelling and does not account for what the porch extension would be to reduce that measurement. Mr. Di Laura said it would only cover the steps. Eng. Gregor said the variance plan does not show the porch extension on the First Avenue side. Eng. Gregor told Mr. Di Laura if he does extend a covered porch in that area, it would reduce the front yard setback. Eng. Gregor added, that he doesn’t see a dimension on the architectures as to what the size is and is not shown or dimensioned on the site plan. Chairman Dunning explained to Mr. Di Laura that his engineer’s plans doesn’t show that proposed extension over the porch which makes it a covered front porch. Therefore, that changes the variance to the First Avenue/Whistler Place side and the Board needs that dimension shown on the plan because this will require an additional variance. Mr. Di Laura explained the reason he wants the covered porch is that it’s the north side of the house and you can’t keep the ice off the steps. Atty. Faasse asked Mr. Di Laura if he could give the Board the new dimension as to how close the proposed porch would be to the street. Mr. Di Laura said just subtract 4 feet off of the 19.8 ft. dimension or 5 feet off the 19.8 ft. He really didn’t know what to say.

Chairman Dunning asked Eng. Gregor if he looked at the proposed parking and Eng. Gregor said yes and it does work. Eng. Gregor proceeded to read through his report dated January 27, 2006.

Atty. Faasse asked Mr. Di Laura why he wants to expand the second floor apartment. Mr. Di Laura said by doing this he could double the income from the apartment and he likes to have things nice and the apartment the way it is doesn’t

suit him. Eng. Gregor asked Mr. Di Laura the square footage of the apartment and Mr. Di Laura said compared to the first floor apartment it would be six feet all the way around. Mr. Di Laura lives in the adjacent house and wants to move into the proposed apartment when it’s finished and rent his house out. Mr. Di Laura added that he owns a home in Wyckoff and will be moving there in a few years and then will rent out the proposed apartment on the second floor.

Eng. Gregor asked Mr. Di Laura if he decided what the dimension of the front porch is going to be from the existing face of the structure now. Mr. Di Laura said it’s hard for him to guess. Eng. Gregor then said maybe Mr. Di Laura would like to find out and come back to the Board at another time.




Atty. Faasse asked Mr. Di Laura if he would like to come back next month with the figure the Board is requesting. Eng. Gregor added that Mr. Beardslee showed on his drawing all the information the Board asked for. The only information he did not show are the two porches and if he can show the two porches on the drawing and dimension them including the front yard setbacks that would solve the problem.


MOTION TO CARRY APPLICATION TO THE MARCH 1, 2006 MEETING: made by Member Grygus, seconded by Member Ludwig, voting yes were Chairman Dunning, Members Grygus, Covelli, Hoffman, Ludwig, Leonard, Koning and Willse.


Application #21-05 Mary Frances & William Fennelly, 6 Oak Street, Block 425 Lots 13 & 14, Bulk Variance: Atty. Steven C. Schepis, 504 Valley Rd., Wayne, N.J. came forward on behalf of his client. Atty. Faasse asked if the applicant’s taxes were current and the applicant answered yes. The last submitted drawing was dated  December 15, 2005 and received on December 16, 2005. Atty. Schepis said this is a pre-existing undersized lot, which has 9,920 sq. ft. therefore, its 80’ shy of the minimum lot area, which is 10,000 sq.ft. The lot has an existing depth of about 105 ft. where 120 ft. is required and the only variance that’s participated by this development is a front yard setback variance. The property has an unusual bend in the front of it that participates the front yard setback variance and their proposing  20 ft. for a portion of the house where  30 ft. is required.

Peter G. Steck, 80 Maplewood Ave., Maplewood, N.J. Professional Planner (License #1776 received in 1976) came forward and was sworn in by Atty. Faasse.

Mr. Steck passed out a 3-page handout marked Exhibit A-1 that he prepared. On the first page is a highlighted portion of the plan showing the proposed front yard setback of 20 ft. and the functional setback for the street pavement which is 35 ft. and to the right is a portion of the tax maps; second page is a 2002 aerial photograph where the lot lines are superimposed and the third page is photographs numbered 1 through 4 and depicts the existing conditions. This is a pre-existing lot that is recorded on a subdivision map from 1946 and at that time it was produced as two separate lots, Lots 14 & 15 in Block H.  This map was marked Exhibit A-2. There is a pre-existing situation, which is a lot size that is 80 sq. ft. less than the 10,000 sq. ft. minimum, a depth of 105.27 ft., which is less than the 120 ft. minimum. What is being changed is the proposal to have a 20 ft. front yard in lieu of the minimum 30 ft. It is a vacant lot and owned by Mr. Fennelly for about 20 years and he wants to build a house on it that will be a one family, 48 ft. wide and a depth no more than 26 ft. with three-bedrooms. The front part of the property, where the house is going to be built, is fairly flat then drops off and the septic bed is in the back. The area is developed with single family homes and its kind of on a loop street and can be approached from Shady Avenue and go around the block or from Skylands Avenue and go up Oak Street. The streets have narrower than normal right-of-ways, which are 33 ft. and the pavement width in front of the property ranges from 10 to fewer than 15 ft. and are paved in front of the subject property. The property is in the R-10 Zone and the applicant conforms to all of the other dimensional standards; side yard, rear yard and the only issue is a front yard setback of 20 ft. instead of 30 ft. The applicant has made an effort to sell the lot or to purchase additional property without success. The applicant has a septic system approval and there will be testimony by an engineer that shows that proper engineering will be instituted to accommodate storm-water runoff and the requirements for water and sewer service.

Member Grygus mentioned that the architectures on Page 2 show a 14 X 18 deck and doesn’t appear to be on the site plan. Depending on the height of the deck, it may impact for another variance and affect the rear yard. Eng. Gregor agreed and said the ground drops off rapidly in that area and will have to be detailed on the site plan prior to the next meeting if it’s going to be added or removed.



made by Member Ludwig, seconded by Member Grygus, voting yes were Chairman Dunning, Members Grygus, Covelli, Hoffman, Ludwig, Leonard, Koning and Willse.


Atty. Schepis told Chairman Dunning that they have an issue with scheduling Mr. Steck (Planner) not being available for the March 1st Meeting, therefore, they might have to carry to the April Meeting.






CORRESPONDENCE:  Member Grygus mentioned the New Jersey Planning Officials 2006 Winter/Spring Educational Programs Registration Form that was mailed to all members. Member Grygus said under the new law, even existing members are required to take a Training Seminar. Members have to fill out application (mailed to all members) and give back to the Board Secretary.


VOUCHERS: submitted by Eng. Gregor for Engineering Services for Application #16-04 Donus for $318.00, Application #15-05 DiLaura for $191.00, Application #19-05 Biggio Brothers for $380.50, Application #02-06 Wanaque Landscaping for $187.50, Application #03-06 Barrett for $185.00 for a Grand Total of $1,262.00.


MOTION TO APPROVE: made by Member Ludwig, seconded by Member Grygus, voting yes were Chairman Dunning, Members Grygus, Covelli, Hoffman, Ludwig, Leonard, Koning and Willse.


MINUTES: from the December 7, 2006 Meeting. Member Grygus mentioned that the transcriber from G & L Transcription is mixing up some of the testimony with the members who are giving it and is wondering if it would present a legal challenge. Atty. Faasse said the Board can accept the minutes but they might not be exactly accurate as to who said what. Member Ludwig said on Page 143 it stated the dwelling units were 15,000 sq. ft. on the Donus Application instead 1500 sq. ft.


MOTION TO APPROVE SUBJECT TO THE CORRECTIONS MENTIONED:  made by Member Ludwig, seconded by Member Covelli, voting yes were Chairman Dunning, Members Grygus, Covelli, Hoffman, Ludwig, Leonard, Koning and Willse.


ENGINEER’S REPORT: Eng. Gregor said he received one new application that he will start looking at.




ADJOURNED:  At 11:26 P.M. with a voice vote.




Gerri Marotta

Board of Adjustment Secretary