February 14, 2005
A Work Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Wanaque was held on Monday, February 14, 2005, at 7:00 P.M. in the Wanaque Municipal Building.
The Mayor called the meeting to order.
On roll call, the following Council Members responded: Balunis, Mahler, O’Connell, Pasquariello, Pettet, Theoharous. The Mayor declared a quorum. The Borough Attorney Anthony Fiorello and the Borough Engineer Michael Cristaldi were present.
The Mayor read the following Sunshine Statement: This is a Work Meeting of the Mayor and Council and adequate notice thereof has been given by advertising the dates, time and place of the Regular meetings in the Suburban Trends and the Herald News newspapers and was e-mailed to these papers on January 3, 2005, and a notice thereof has been posted on January 3, 2005 on the bulletin board in the Wanaque Municipal Building, 579 Ringwood Avenue, Wanaque, New Jersey and a copy thereof has been on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk.
Volunteer of the Year Award – 2004 – Helen Bakir:
Regular Meeting of January 10, 2005.
Public Hearing of Ord. #1-0-05:
Re: Bond Ordinance – Appropriating $210,000 for Improvement of Wanaque First
Aid Squad
Public Hearing of Ord. #2-0-05:
Re: Bond Ordinance – Supplemental Appropriation of $125,000 for the Improvement
of Fourth Avenue and Decker Road
Public Hearing of Ord. #3-0-05:
Re: Amend Parking Regulations on Ringwood Avenue
Public Hearing of Ord. #4-0-05:
Re: Water Capital Appropriation – Decker Road
Introduction of Ord. #5-0-05:
Ordinance to exceed the Municipal Budget Appropriation Limits and to
Introduction of Ord. #6-0-05:
Re: Amend Chapter 116B, Section 3 “Dogs”
Introduction of Ord. #7-0-05:
Re: Repeal Chapter 50 entitled “Animals” and replace it with a new Chapter 50
entitled “Animals – Feeding of
Introduction of Ord. #8-0-05:
Re: Create and Establish Chapter 113 entitled “Yard Waste”
Introduction of Ord. #9-0-05:
Re: Establish Articles 2 and 3 in Chapter 95 entitled “Stormwater Management”
Councilman Balunis reported the Recreation Commission held their reorganization meeting the beginning of February. There are no new members. They hope to finalize their budget soon. George Cash has been in the hospital and hopefully will be out soon. The Wanaque Board of Education is mourning the sudden loss of Dr. Skriloff. There is an interim Superintendent Lou Corlione and February 23rd is a public meeting to finalize and meet the candidate and pick a Superintendent. They are still working on their budget. Hired someone for cost estimates for referendum for Haskell and Wanaque Schools. The Gallo tract was acquired by Green Acres regarding open space.
Councilman Mahler reported the Wanaque Borough Sewer Authority met to discuss options. Last Monday they passed out rings. Wednesday is the winter concert and back to school night is tomorrow. Lakeland Regional High School is putting in new windows from the bond referendum.
Councilman O’Connell said the Board of Adjustment carried three cases.
Councilman Pasquariello reported the police picked up a new police car. The Wanaque First Aid Squad had their installation dinner on February 5th and there are new officers. The bids for the Wanaque First Aid Squad roof should be out soon. The delivery of the new ambulance is delayed due to the company. Thanked all the Borough employees for their cooperation during the snowstorm and everyone worked well together.
Councilman Theoharous reported the fire department had their installation dinner on February 12th and thanked everyone for the combined effort during the snowstorm.
The Mayor opened the Public Discussion.
Terry Duffy, Passaic County Freeholder, West Milford resident, spoke about the Cross Acceptance Plan and offered any assistance for the plan and I am present tonight on behalf of some residents.
Sandy Lawson, 28 Haskell Avenue, Haskell spoke about the changes to the map was not done during a public forum. It would be good public relations to hold public hearings for residents and should come up with a good map.
Louis Bakula, 21 Gorge Drive, Haskell spoke about being concerned about the Cross Acceptance Map. Made my own map from GPS and the wetlands, woodlands and sewer area are substantial and copies have been sent to the State and County departments.
The Borough Administrator said there are other entities involved with the Council on Affordable Housing and other factors are involved.
Louis Bakula spoke about the proposed sewer area on the map.
Tim McQuillen, 1323 Ringwood Avenue, Haskell asked to explain the area to be changed from PA1 to PA5. How big an area is it and how many acres wide?
The Borough Administrator spoke about the area to stay PA1 and is maybe five acres. The Wanaque portion behind the college is land locked.
Sandy Lawson, 28 Haskell Avenue, Haskell spoke about a couple of other areas for changes – Mountain Lakes and Powder Hollow.
The Borough Administrator said possibly maintain Powder Hollow as PA1 as it was designated in 2001.
Sandy Lawson spoke about seeing what was sent to the County.
The Borough Administrator said we’ll have a copy of the letter available tomorrow.
The Mayor closed the Public Discussion.
Eight (8) Applications for Raffle License:
Re: 1) The Journey within a Center for Spiritual Evolvement, Inc. – RA:616,
RA:617, 2) Wanaque First Aid Squad Auxiliary – RA:618, 3) Lakeland
Regional High School – RA:619, RA:620, RA:621, 4) A.W.A.R.E. A.S.A.P.
RA:622, 5) Haskell School P.T.A. – RA623
Resolution #39-0-05:
Re: Redemption of
Tax Sale Certificate #040084 for Block 409, Lot 1 in the amount
of $10,727.33
Resolution #40-0-05:
Re: Redemption of Tax Sale Certificate #010050 for Block 444, Lot 14 in the amount
of $1,024.65
Resolution #41-0-05:
Re: Redemption of Tax Sale Certificate #040088 for Block 444, Lot 14 in the amount
of $22,080.15
Resolution #42-0-05:
Re: Refund of Tax overpayment on Block 403, Lot 67 in the amount of $1,530.00
Resolution #43-0-05:
Re: 2004 Recycling
Tonnage Grant Application
Payment to County of Passaic:
Re: Open Space Added/Omitted Taxes for 2004 - $4,790.66
Payment to County of Passaic:
Re: 1st Quarter Taxes 2005 - $1,156,372.63
Payment to County of Passaic:
Re: Open Space
Taxes – 1st Quarter – 2005 - $21,452.97
Budgetary Transfers:
The Borough Engineer said I have no report.
The Borough Attorney concurred with the Borough Administrators sentiments on the Gallo tract as a significant acquisition. There are one hundred fifty acres set aside by the Borough for acquisition for open space and preservation.
The Borough Administrator reported on meeting with the County regarding the Ringwood Avenue construction to work out some items. They are going to start construction around April 1st. The north end will be done first in one stage from Jenkins Avenue to Orchard Street and the west side first will be done. Ringwood Avenue will be closed four to five weeks and then they will flip to the northbound side for two to three weeks and then they will go down Park Avenue to Crescente Lane finish early June to get the job done. Stop and Shop began work in the old Foodtown. They are going to do work which will take about six months and they hope to open in the fall. The hotel is still a go. They will be back before the Planning Board in March for some wire problems. The Budget is being worked on and we’re getting the financial numbers for that. The State closed on the Gallo tract on Townsend Road and that is part of Norvin Green State Forest. Passaic County put in $200,000.00 to close the deal between the State and the property owner.
Letter from Lowenstein Sandler:
Re: Ordinance #7-0-04
Letter from Passaic County 200 Club:
Re: Valor and Merit Awards for Public Safety Personnel
Closed Session:
Appointment of Ethics Committee Member:
Resolution #44-0-05:
Re: Award Bid – John Garcia Construction Co., Inc. re: Decker Road Improvements
in the amount of $399,957.00
Resolution #45-0-05:
Re: Change Order – Ringwood Avenue – Phase II
Resolution #46-0-05:
Re: Approve Community Forestry Grant Agreement
Katherine J. Falone, RMC, CMC
Municipal Clerk