Re-Organization Meeting

January 1, 2005


The 2005 Re-Organization Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Wanaque was held on Saturday, January 1, 2005, at 12:00 P.M. in the Wanaque Municipal Building.


The Mayor called the meeting to order with the flag salute.


MASSING OF COLORS AND FLAG SALUTE:   By the VFW and American Legion.




The Invocation was delivered by Reverend Donald DeGroat of the United Methodist Church.




The Mayor read the following Sunshine Statement:  Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the Mayor and Council by e-mailing notice of this meeting to the Suburban Trends and the News newspapers on December 14, 2004 stating therein that this meeting would be held on Saturday, January 1, 2005 at the time of 12:00 P.M., in the Wanaque Municipal Building, 579 Ringwood Avenue, Wanaque, New Jersey, and a copy of this notice was posted on the bulletin board in the Wanaque Municipal Building on December 14, 2004 and a copy is on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk.




The Mayor asked Honorable Harold P. Cook III – Judge Municipal Court to come forward and administer the Oaths of Office to Councilman Daniel Mahler and Councilman Edward O’Connell.


Honorable Harold P. Cook III – Judge Municipal Court administered the Oaths of Office to Councilman Daniel Mahler and Councilman Edward O’Connell.




“Good Afternoon,


I would like to welcome you to the annual reorganization meeting of the governing body of the Borough of Wanaque.  This is my fifteenth Mayor’s address, and I have never been more excited about what is happening in our community.  Projects that we have been working years to accomplish are finally happening.




            Seven years ago, I first met with two gentlemen who proposed 2000 units of active adult housing in thirty buildings.  After going through countless meetings at the State level, working with the developers to downsize and make the project work, I am pleased to announce that the Wanaque Reserve by Del Webb will be built.  They have received their final State permits, and Borough building permits have been issued.  The final project will consist of 755 units producing over $130 million in new tax ratables.  It has been a long, hard fight, which should have been over long ago.  I want our residents to know that groups like Skylands CLEAN and the New Jersey Sierra Club stalled this project for the last five years.  If this project were completed today, you would be paying at least $1000 less in property taxes, and the sewer rate would be reduced.  These groups have effectively taken that money out of our pockets, while giving nothing back to our community.  They should be ashamed of what they have cost the taxpayers of Wanaque.  In the end, the Borough prevailed, and we will be welcoming these new residents to our community over the next few years.

            2005 will bring with it the completion of the second phase of the Ringwood Avenue reconstruction project.  I know that it has been longer than we anticipated, that that is has been a burden to the residents on the detour route.  I thank all of you for your patience and understanding.  Isn’t it great that people are talking about how nice the Haskell Business District looks?  Realtors are no longer bringing prospective home buyers over Skyline Drive.  Ringwood Avenue looks better, and more improvements are coming.  The building next to the parking lot at Doty Road will be torn down in the spring.  We are developing a plan to raze the rest of the buildings up to Lakeland Auto Parts and replace them with retail and office space.  Our goal is to make the Haskell Business District a place to shop safely, conveniently, and offer services that are needed by our residents.  While I am speaking about the businesses on Ringwood Avenue, I ask again that everyone make a special effort to shop on Ringwood Avenue.  The road construction took its toll on our small business owners, and they are struggling to make ends meet.  We can’t make Ringwood Avenue a vibrant shopping area without the support of the local community.

            During the road reconstruction, we all had to pass the Candle Factory building on Fourth Avenue.  This dilapidated warehouse is the biggest eyesore in our community.  In this coming year, I hope to see it demolished and replaced with Active adult housing.  We are working with a redeveloper to come up with a concept that will work on that property, and attract a different segment of the senior population that does not compete with the Wanaque Reserve project.  This will be a great improvement for that area.

            Next summer we will be welcoming Stop and Shop to Union Avenue.  Having a major foodstore taking over that location provides stability for the property, and will create jobs for our residents.  They will be doing a complete makeover of the building, changing the façade and making it a first rate store.  I am also happy to announce that while Kearny Federal Savings will not be located in the supermarket, they will be relocating to Ringwood Avenue next to Dunkin Donuts.  I appreciate their commitment to stay in Wanaque and serve our residents.




            As you can see, a lot is happening in Wanaque, and there is still more.  We are continuing to work on alleviating the flooding in the Bergen Avenue, Fourth Avenue, Decker Road, Sixth Avenue and Burnside Place areas.  This spring, work will begin on Fourth Avenue from Back Beach Road to Decker Road, to install a new storm drain.  We will also be replacing a 90 year old water main, and reconstructing the roadway.  During the summer, we hope to do the same on Decker Road.  Recently the Borough was awarded a $250,000 grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation to reconstruct Bergen Avenue from Carter Road to Paul Place.  This is the largest single DOT grant the Borough has ever received for Road reconstruction.  This is a great help funding these improvements.  I would like to thank Senator Henry McNamara for his help in obtaining this grant. 

            I am also working with the Boards of Education of Wanaque and Lakeland Regional High School on a cooperative effort to reconstruct Addice Park and add fields to the Wanaque school grounds.  These improvements will include lighted softball fields at Addice Park, and multi-use soccer, field hockey and lacrosse fields at Wanaque School.  These additional fields will allow Lakeland to offer more athletic opportunities, Wanaque School to have better fields for physical education, and Wanaque Recreation to field more teams.  This is a great cooperative effort between the three governmental bodies.  As an added bonus, Pulte Homes will be constructing two baseball fields and a soccer field on Highland Avenue in connection with their development.

            Yes, we have a lot of good things happening, but our thoughts have to be with our service men and women fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.  They need our prayers and support now, and in the future.  Two organizations that provide that support are the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion.  These two groups will be here to welcome our soldiers home, and be there for them over the long term.  Right now, the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars Post and the American Legion Post need your help.  Both of their buildings need new roofs, and they do not have the money to replace them.  I am looking for donations of money, materials or labor to help these men and women who support our military.  If you would like to make a donation, make the check out to “American Legion” or “Veterans of Foreign Wars” and send it to me at Borough Hall.  If you can donate materials or do the work, please call me at Borough Hall.

            We have many good things happening in our town, and I look forward to having a great year.  As I said, I have been mayor now for 14 years.  It is a job I love doing.  It is the many volunteers, dedicated Borough employees, and the members of the Council that makes this job fun.  I want to thank all of you for making Wanaque a great place to live.

            There is one person in town who is by my side every day.  She is there to offer encouragement, take angry phone calls from residents at home, and support everything I do.  My wife Dolores is with me every step of the way.  I could not do this job without her.

            After our meeting, you are welcome to go over to Il Palazzo for refreshments.  Thank you for coming, and may God Bless You and our Country.”




    Councilman Balunis:


“Happy New Year everyone.  Congratulations to Dan and Ed on the start of another term on the Council. I look forward to continue working with both of them.  I also want to take this time to thank all the Borough employees for their hard work and dedication throughout the year.  I also want to thank our volunteers who serve in the Fire Department and First Aid Squad for all the hours they devote to keeping us safe and being there when we need them.  I also want to take a minute to thank all our community volunteers, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts leaders, volunteer of our recreation programs, members of the PTA.  These volunteers devote their time and efforts to making a difference in our childrens lives.  I also want to thank the many other volunteers who make valuable contributions to our town by serving on various town boards, commissions and committees. All these volunteers I’ve mentioned are the backbone of our community.  They are the essence of what makes this town such a great place to live and raise a family in.  As for the future of our town, I’m very optimistic.  The vision we had for the town center is finally becoming a reality.  We are in the homestretch of the Ringwood Avenue road construction although the downtown transformation is just beginning. Today I can say with confidence the very same thing I said last New Years Day that is we are making steady progress and improvements and predict that Ringwood Avenue in Haskell will look even better a year from now than it does today.  The key is we continue to make steady progress and improvements.  The Borough will also be adding some new tax ratables during the next new years.  Most notably the adult community housing off Highland Avenue that Mayor Hagstrom mentioned. Although we expect this new ratables will have positive economic impact on our town I urge this Council to remain vigilant in regards to spending and budget preparations. With a good portion of our town now situated in the highlands reservation area new ratables will be few and far between.  We owe it to the Wanaque taxpayers to be even more cautious and conservative with spending in order to keep taxes as low as possible.  In closing I want to thank everyone for their patience with the town center road construction and their continued support of this Mayor and Council.  And I also want to thank my wife and family for allowing me to do this job and devote so much time to it.  Thank you.”


    Councilman Mahler:


“I’d like to start by wishing everyone a happy New Year 2005 and congratulating Ed on his reelection.  I’m looking forward to some great things for Wanaque in 2005.  Some of which we’ve already talked about but I’m going to bring them up again.  And we’ve been awaiting some of these things for quite some time.  The completion of Ringwood Avenue in Spring of 2005 and the beginning of the Haskell downtown redevelopment I believe that’s going to really make that area look nice and its really going to attract businesses.  In late 2005 we should see our first residents of the Pulte project and this is despite years of opposition from Skylands Clean, Sierra Club, Wanaque Reach and other local people. And this project is finally coming about and its going to give us tax relief and it’s going to give us sewer relief. We’re still working on our budget for 2005 but we’re looking to use some of these anticipated revenues to hopefully provide for a zero increase in Municipal taxes and if we can do it we’re going to do it.  That’s our goal that I’m working on this year.  I think that it’s about time we got rid of our Regional Sewer Authority.  Ringwood and West Milford are not going to be able to hook up to it.  There’s going to be more building in those towns and there’s no need for it and we figured it would save the Sewer Authority between $200,000 - $250,000 a year to get rid of those two towns. We’re still going to work on that this year.

 I would like to thank all our supporters, all our Borough Employees who do a great job. We haven’t had a contested election in 2 years and I think that says we must be doing something right and I think the biggest reason for our success is our leader Mayor Hagstrom.  The Mayor has done a great job for the last fourteen years and we’re all proud of him and he’s the reason for our success.  I’d like to thank Warren and his wife Dolores and I’d like to thank the Council for all their efforts and I’d like to put a special thanks out to my Wife and my family for their continued support. Thank you.”


    Councilman Pasquariello:


“Happy Holidays everybody.  Congratulations Dan and Ed.  As we go on through the New Year the diligent work the Mayor and Council and Administrator has done with Pulte and all the development   we have to also consider the continued safety with our town.  And that’s where my concerns are.  The OEM and police are diligently working to get our communications systems revamped our computer systems to make our town safer.  We have fortunately gotten grants for our fire this year. We are going to try to get more funding this year to alleviate the burden on the town.  We also are hiring six new specials to facilitate events that are coming up and to help with our traffic.  Hopefully with the grants the Administrator and Detective Norton have been getting we’ll get more them so we can get more safety for the town with the growth that’s going on.  Thank you.”


    Councilman O’Connell:


“I would first like to wish everyone here a healthy and happy New Year. Congratulations to Dan Mahler on his reelection.  When I sit down to write my New Years speech I get a chance to seriously reflect on the past year.  There are 2 things that come to me.  Is change and the things that I am thankful for.  Lets start with change. I have lived in this town for the past 33 years.  I’ve witnessed many changes – a new town center in Haskell, many new parks, playgrounds, new homes, new businesses, new traffic lights, a new Ringwood Avenue, new opportunities for Wanaque Borough to grow.  We have saved acres of open space for the children and the future residents to enjoy in years to come.  Many of our projects when done will benefit the residents in the Borough of Wanaque.  Things that I am thankful for, my family for supporting me in whatever I do, the Mayor and Council for the opportunity to become a Councilman, the Republican Club for backing Dan and I with a successful reelection, the voters who made the reelection successful. Borough Employees who do a great job all year long, police, fire and ambulance departments who risk their lives to protect us. Our troops oversees protecting our freedom and way of life.  A special thank you to the residents of Wanaque Borough for their patience while Ringwood Avenue is under construction.  They had to walk to their houses in the rain around barriers.  I would like to ask them for a little more patience as we finish this project.  I’m sorry for anyone that I’ve missed.  I wanted to bring these things up because we should be thankful for a lot of things we take for granted every day.  I am privileged for serving Wanaque Borough and the residents as Councilman.  This is an honor to me.  Once again I would like to thank the residents of Wanaque for having the faith in me and their patience for the changes we make to make this town the best place to live.  I wish everyone a Happy healthy New Year.  Thank you.”


    Councilman Theoharous:


“I would like to congratulate Dan and Ed.  I know they’re going to do a fantastic job.  I just told Ed he only has 17 more years to catch up.  Over the last 20 something years I’ve been in office again its been a privilege and an honor to serve the people of Wanaque. Things that we started 20 years ago are finally coming to fruition.  As Warren said before and as the other Councilman said before when you start going down Ringwood Avenue you see the improvements the beauty that’s coming out it really makes you feel good. Because even now I can step back and say we contributed to this.  The work that Warren and all the other Councilmen have done is just unbelievable.  You have to thank the Borough volunteers the firemen, police, ambulance squad.  Like you said they put their lives on the line everyday of the week and its just great to have, it’s almost like a big family and everybody works together.  Despite some of the opposition that we have had over the few years by certain organizations which have been mentioned before and I will not mention them again things are finally starting to move and this is all the hard work that’s been put together in the last seven years has finally come to fruition.  Again I’d like to thank everybody, thank my wife she’s put up with it for twenty some years and again have a Happy, healthy New Year.”




On roll call, the following Council Members responded: Balunis, Mahler, O’Connell, Pasquariello, Theoharous.  Also present was Anthony Fiorello, Borough Attorney and Borough Engineer Michael Cristaldi.




The Mayor presented the following names of professionals for the year of 2005:


Ferraioli, Wielkotz, Cerullo & Cuva, P.A- Charles Ferraioli - Auditor

Richard A. Alaimo Associates - Engineer

Anthony Fiorello, Esq. - Attorney

Richard A. Alaimo, P.E./Kauker Associates - Planner

Michael F. Kelly, Esq. - Public Defender

Michael Foulon – Assistant Public Defender

Ralph Fava, Esq. - Prosecutor

Scarinci & Hollenbeck, LLC - Sean Dias - Labor Counsel

Hawkins, Delafield & Wood - Bond Counsel

Arthur J. Gallagher & Company of N.J., Inc. (AL, GL, WC)

Centerprise, Inc. (Health)


On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Theoharous and Pasquareillo moved a motion to approve the aforementioned appointments.

On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.





On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen O’Connell and Theoharous moved a motion to appoint Theodore Luciani as Chaplain for the Fire Department and Reverend Donald DeGroat as Chaplain for the Police Department.

On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.



The Mayor presented the following names as Special Police Officers for the year 2005:


Patricia Norton – Matron          John Galinus                   Robert Passarella

            Frank Cavallaro                        Mark Olivieri                  Wayne Rundecker

Lynn Gordon - Matron            Robert Roach                  Dawn Quigley - Matron

Kathrine Kollmann - Matron


On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Pasquariello and Theoharous moved a motion to approve the aforementioned appointments.                                     

             On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.




            The Mayor presented the following names as School Crossing Guards for the year 2005:


Albert Ryder                              Sandra Novack                  

            Francis Van Kennen                 Theresa Vieira                   


On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Pasquariello and O'Connell moved a motion to approve the aforementioned appointments.

            On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.




            The Mayor presented the following names as Officers for the Wanaque Borough Volunteer Fire Department for the year 2005:


Chief:                                  Scott Montegari

1st Asst. Chief:                   Tad Skawinski

2nd Asst. Chief:                  Scott Bracken


Captains          -         Co. #1: Glenn Cisco, Jr.

                                  Co. #2: Lee Smith

            Lieutenants      -        Co. #1: Clayton Bassett

                                                           Joseph Pica

                                              Co. #2:  Mark Olivieri

                                                           Barry Cusano



The Mayor presented the following names as Fire Marshalls for the year 2005:


Pat Spadaccini                   Adolph Crescente

            Theodore Luciani              Samuel Venezia                                   



The Mayor presented the following names as Fire Prevention Bureau - Fire Prevention Specialist for the year 2005:


Fire Official           -           Kevin Platt

Fire Inspectors      -            Dennis Dondero, William Roberto, John Roberto

                                                       Robert DeStaffen


On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Theoharous and O'Connell moved a motion to approve the aforementioned appointments of Officers for the Fire Department.

On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.




            On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Mahler and Theoharous moved that,


            BE IT RESOLVED that Harold P. Cook III be and is hereby appointed as Municipal Court Judge for a term of three (3) years, ending December 31, 2007.


            On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.






   Recreation Commission:  


            The Mayor appointed Councilman Thomas Balunis as Council Liaison.


   Planning Board:  


The Mayor appointed Gilbert Foulon as a Class IV member to a Four (4) Year Term.  The second appointment was held

   Library Board:


The Mayor appointed Anna Hagstrom to the Library Board for a Five (5) Year Term.




   Planning Board:


On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Pasquariello and Mahler moved a motion to appoint Kevin Platt, Class II, for a One (1) Year Term and Councilman Thomas Balunis, Class III, One (1) Year Term.

On roll call, all voted yes, except Councilman Balunis who abstained and the Mayor declared the motion carried.


   Board of Adjustment:


On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Pasquariello and Mahler moved a motion to appoint Frank Covelli for a Four (4) Year Term and William Grygus for a four (4) Year Term and Councilman Edward O’Connell as Council Liaison.

On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.


   Board of Health:


On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Pasquariello and Balunis moved a motion to appoint Chris Demetriou for a three (3) Year Term and Frank Riccardelli for a three (3) Year Term and Councilman George Theoharous as Council Liaison.

On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.


   Human Resource Board:


On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Pasquariello and Balunis moved a motion to appoint Claire Kressaty to a four (4) Year Term and Councilman Edward O’Connell as Council Liaison.

On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.


   Wanaque Borough Sewerage Authority:


            On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Balunis and Pasquariello moved a motion to appoint Frank Covelli to a five (5) Year Term effective February 1, 2005 and Councilman Daniel Mahler as Council Liaison.

            On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.







1.  Susan Boyhan - Assistant Treasurer

2.  Nancy Vesce - Assessment Search Officer

3.  Nancy Vesce - Tax Search Officer

4.  Lynn Gordon – Deputy Tax Collector

5.  Lynn Gordon - Deputy Tax Search Officer

6.  Thomas Carroll - Public Agency Compliance Officer

7.  Thomas Carroll - Fund Commissioner NJIIF

8.  Thomas Carroll - Waste Advisory Council


On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Pasquariello and O’Connell moved a motion to appoint the aforementioned appointments.

On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.




On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilman Mahler and O'Connell moved a motion to appoint Councilman Donald Pasquariello as Council President.

On roll call, all voted yes, except Councilman Pasquariello who abstained and the Mayor declared the motion carried.




COMMITTEE                                  COUNCIL MEMBER


COUNCIL PRESIDENT                    Councilman Donald Pasquariello


BUILDINGS & GROUNDS               Councilman Edward O'Connell  -  CHAIRMAN


                                                             Councilman Daniel Mahler


FINANCE & INSURANCE                Councilman Daniel Mahler  -  CHAIRMAN

                                                             Councilman George Theoharous

                                                             Councilman Donald Pasquariello


FIRE                                                     Councilman George Theoharous  -  CHAIRMAN

                                                              Councilman Daniel Mahler

                                                              Councilman Edward O’Connell


FIRST AID                                           Councilman Donald Pasquariello  -  CHAIRMAN


                                                              Councilman Thomas Balunis




INVESTMENTS & BONDING           Councilman Edward O'Connell  -  CHAIRMAN

                                                              Councilman Daniel Mahler

                                                              Councilman George Theoharous



& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT        Councilman          -  CHAIRMAN

                                                                Councilman Daniel Mahler

                                                                Councilman Thomas Balunis


PERSONNEL & NEGOTIATIONS    Councilman Daniel Mahler  -  CHAIRMAN


                                                              Councilman Thomas Balunis


POLICE                                                Councilman Donald Pasquariello  -  CHAIRMAN               


                                                              Councilman Edward O’Connell


PUBLIC RELATIONS                        Councilman         -  CHAIRMAN

                                                              Councilman Donald Pasquariello

                                                              Councilman Edward O' Connell


RECREATION                                     Councilman Thomas Balunis  -  CHAIRMAN

                                                              Councilman Edward O’Connell

                                                              Councilman Donald Pasquariello


 ROADS                                               Mayor Warren Hagstrom  - CHAIRMAN

                                                              Councilman George Theoharous

                                                              Councilman Edward O’Connell


 VETERANS                                         Councilman Thomas Balunis  -  CHAIRMAN

                                                               Councilman Donald Pasquariello

                                                               Councilman George Theoharous


WATER                                                 Councilman George Theoharous  -  CHAIRMAN

                                                               Councilman Daniel Mahler

                                                               Councilman Thomas Balunis




WANAQUE BOARD OF EDUCATION                   Thomas Balunis

LAKELAND BOARD OF EDUCATION                   Daniel Mahler

BOARD OF HEALTH                                                George Theoharous

BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT                                      Edward O’Connell

WELFARE BOARD                                                   



On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Pasquariello and Balunis moved a motion to approve the aforementioned appointments.

On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.




1.  Tax Collector                      5.  Judge Municipal Court

2.  Chief Financial Officer       6.  Deputy Court Administrator

3.  Water Clerk                         7.  Cashier - Water Dept.

4.  Court Administrator            8.  Tax Clerk


On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Pasquariello and Theoharous moved a motion to approve the aforementioned Employee Bonds.

On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.




   Resolution #1-0-05:

     Re: Signature Resolution


BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor, Borough Clerk and Chief Financial Officer be and are hereby authorized to sign all checks and issue payments for the Borough of Wanaque; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council President be authorized to sign in the absence of the Mayor and the Assistant Treasurer in absence of the Chief Financial Officer.


   Resolution #2-0-05:

     Re: Transfer Resolution


BE IT RESOLVED that the Chief Financial Officer be authorized to issue transfer checks on her signature alone, to transfer Borough funds from one account to another, but no funds are to leave the credit of the Borough.


   Resolution #3-0-05:

     Re: Interest Resolution - Delinquent Taxes


BE IT RESOLVED that interest on delinquent taxes be 8% per annum on amounts of less than $1,500.00 and on any amounts in excess of $1,500.00 the rate shall be 12%; and

BE IT RESOLVED that a 6% penalty will be charged on delinquencies in excess of $10,000.00 at the end of the calendar year; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a grace period of ten (10) days shall be provided within which the installment of taxes may be received without charge for interest.


   Resolution #4-0-05:

     Re: Interest Resolution - Unpaid Assessments


WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Borough of Wanaque for the uses of modern techniques of money management of excess funds in all accounts; and

WHEREAS, on such acceptable and sound technique is the use of cash flow when balances become available in secure legal investments and certificates of deposit; and

WHEREAS, it has further been determined that the Borough Auditor has recommended, due to the instability of the financial market that the Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer be hereby authorized to invest current excess funds in all accounts, as she deems necessary, in order to obtain the highest interest rates;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Governing Body of the Borough of Wanaque, that the Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer be and she is hereby authorized and directed to invest all excess cash funds in all accounts in Certificates of Deposit and Money Markets at the highest interest rate, as she deems necessary, when the Borough has the funds available, in those banks as legally designated by the Mayor and Council;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer is further authorized and directed to report, in writing, to the Governing Body at the meeting next succeeding the date when any investment is made pursuant to this Resolution and such report shall include the amount, description, interest rate, financial institution and maturity date of such investment.


   Resolution #5-0-05:

     Re: Cancel property Tax refunds or delinquencies of $5.00 or less


WHEREAS, Chapter 82, Public Law of 1987, known as N.J.S.A. 40A:5-17.1 permits authorized employees to process cancellation of property Tax refunds or delinquencies of $5.00 or less without further action of the Governing Body; and

WHEREAS, the Tax Collector is responsible for property Tax collection;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council do hereby authorize the Tax Collector to cancel property Tax refunds or delinquencies of $5.00 or less.


   Resolution #6-0-05:

     Re: Tax Sale 2004


BE IT RESOLVED that the Tax Collector shall have a Tax Sale for 2004 and Prior Delinquent Municipal Charges during the calendar year of 2005.


   Resolution #7-0-05:

     Re: Investment Resolution


WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Borough of Wanaque for the uses of modern techniques of money management of excess funds in all accounts; and


WHEREAS, on such acceptable and sound technique is the use of cash flow when balances become available in secure legal investments and certificates of deposit; and

WHEREAS, it has further been determined that the Borough Auditor has recommended, due to the instability of the financial market that the Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer be hereby authorized to invest current excess funds in all accounts, as she deems necessary, in order to obtain the highest interest rates;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Governing Body of the Borough of Wanaque, that the Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer be and she is hereby authorized and directed to invest all excess cash funds in all accounts in Certificates of Deposit and Money Markets at the highest interest rate, as she deems necessary, when the Borough has the funds available, in those banks as legally designated by the Mayor and Council;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer is further authorized and directed to report, in writing, to the Governing Body at the meeting next succeeding the date when any investment is made pursuant to this Resolution and such report shall include the amount, description, interest rate, financial institution and maturity date of such investment.


   Resolution #8-0-05:

     Re: Change Fund Resolution


BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Wanaque that a change fund be established as follows:


TAX COLLECTOR...............................$200.00

WATER CLERK...................................$100.00

HEALTH DEPARTMENT..................... $25.00


   Resolution #9-0-05:

     Re: Enumerated Claims for Payment


WHEREAS, all claims for payment by the Borough are required to be first submitted to the Borough Council of the Borough of Wanaque, for consideration before payment is made; and

WHEREAS, due to the nature of certain claims and timing the particular meetings involved, certain claims which are statutory and regular in nature should be paid when presented, other than for the next meeting of the Borough Council due to the nature of said bills;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Borough Council of the Borough of Wanaque, as follows:  1. This Borough Council does hereby approve of the payment between meetings of the following enumerated claims for payment, and the same are presented to the Borough Treasurer of the Borough of Wanaque:





A.  Bergen Municipal Employees Fund

B.  First Option

C.  Delta Dental of New Jersey

D.  Wanaque Board of Education

E.  Lakeland Regional High School


   Resolution #10-0-05:

     Re: Civil Rights Compliance Officer


WHEREAS, there must be a Civil Rights Compliance Officer designated to oversee the Civil Rights Act;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Wanaque, the Borough Administrator is hereby designated the Civil Rights Compliance Officer for the Borough of Wanaque to oversee Civil Rights.


   Resolution #11-0-05:

     Re: Affirmation Action Program for Equal Employment Opportunity




A.  DEFINITION - "An Affirmative Action Program is a set of specific and result-oriented procedures; the objective of which is to achieve equal employment opportunity, and in doing so to recognize and overcome the effects of racial, sexual and social discrimination in employment.

B.  STATEMENT OF POLICY - The Borough of Wanaque is committed to ensuring equal opportunity and participation to all of its volunteers, employees and applicants for employment.  The treatment of all employees and applicants for employment without unlawful discrimination as to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, handicap, marital status, sexual orientation or affectional preference in all employment decision, including but not limited to recruitment, hiring, compensation, training and apprenticeship, promotion, upgrading, demotion, downgrading, transfer, lay-off and termination, all other terms and conditions of employment except as provided by law.

The Borough of Wanaque intends to advocate this Affirmative Action Program to clearly reflect in increased distribution and utilization of minority group employees

C.  RESPONSIBILITY - The Executive Director of           is responsible for implementing the Affirmative Action Program.  He or she is responsible for ensuring equal opportunity for all employees and volunteers.

The Executive Director shall be responsible for reviewing the progress of the Affirmative Action Program to ensure that equal opportunity exists in fact.  The Executive Director will be responsible for all necessary actions and efforts to support the Affirmative Action Policy.


   Resolution #12-0-05:

     Re: Alcoholism and Drug Abuse


            The Borough of Wanaque is sympathetic to personnel with substance and alcohol problems, but it will not tolerate situations in which drug or alcohol dependency causes unsatisfactory position performance and/or substandard behavior and where it jeopardizes the Borough's reputation and position in the community.

When drug dependency or alcoholism results in unsatisfactory position performance and/or substandard behavior, the Borough of Wanaque consider termination of employment to be a business necessity.  Unsatisfactory position performance and substandard

behavior include, but are not limited to, the following:

-  consistent and/or excessive lateness or absences.

-  inability to carry out assigned duties on at least

   an average level.

-  inability to follow instructions.

-  lack of cooperation. 

-  lack of self-sufficiency and self-control.

Management will evaluate such situations if patterns of poor work performance and/or substandard behavior occur.

Employees will also be subject to immediate dismissal if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs or are in possession of or sell alcohol or illegal drugs on Borough time or property.


   Resolution #13-0-05:

     Re: 2005 Salary Resolution


BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Wanaque, in the County of Passaic and State of New Jersey, as follows:

Payroll for the Borough of Wanaque for 2005 is provided on Schedule A.  (See attached)


   Resolution #14-0-05:

     Re: Budgetary Transfers




   Resolution #15-0-05:    

      Re:  Payment to Library - 1st Quarter Allotment: $78,250.00


   Resolution #16-0-05:

     Re:  Mailing of Notice for the Tax Sale in place of advertising


WHEREAS, Chapter 99 of the Public Laws of 1997 as further codified in N.J.S.A. 54:5-26 permits a maximum fee of $25.00 for each notice by regular or certified mail sent in lieu of advertising for two of the four weeks proceeding the week of the tax sale.  

WHEREAS, the Tax Collector is to hold a tax sale yearly for delinquent Municipal charges.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council hereby authorize the Tax Collector to charge $10.00 for each set of mailings done in lieu of the advertising for the tax sale.


   Resolution #17-0-05:

     Re:  Approve Surety Bond – County Road Opening




            WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Wanaque need to make certain repairs on roadways which are located within the borders of the Borough of Wanaque and are owned by the County of Passaic; and

WHEREAS, in September of 1991, the Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders adopted a "Right-of-Way Entry/Opening Resolution" requiring all municipalities to comply with certain requirements before making any repairs to a County road; and

            WHEREAS, in accordance with the above requirements and prior to the Borough of Wanaque undertaking any repairs, a Bond must be posted with Passaic County to insure that the Borough of Wanaque will properly excavate and restore the surface of any County roadway; and

            WHEREAS, the Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders have indicated that they will accept a municipality's own Bond in lieu of a Bond issued by a Surety Bonding Company; and

            WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Wanaque desire to satisfy this requirement in order to undertake all necessary roadway repairs.

            NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Wanaque does hereby authorize the issuance and execution of a Bond in the amount of $30,000.00.

            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Municipal Clerk are hereby authorized to execute any and all instruments relating hereto and that a copy of this Resolution along with the Bond be forwarded to the Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders.


   Resolution #18-0-05:

     Re:  Adopting Tort Claim Notice


            BE IT RESOLVED that the attached Tort Claim Form be and is hereby approved for all Title 59 notifications.


   Resolution #19-0-05:

     Re:  Award of Professional Services


WHEREAS, there exists a need for various professionals to serve the Borough of Wanaque; and

WHEREAS, funds are available in the budget of the Borough of Wanaque; and

WHEREAS, the Local Public Contracts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et. seq.) requires that a notice of award of professional services without competitive bidding be publicly advertised.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Governing Body of the Borough of Wanaque that the following professionals be appointed for the year 2005 and that the Mayor and Municipal Clerk are authorized and directed to execute agreements with:

Ferraioli, Wielkotz, Cerullo & Cuva, P.A- Charles Ferraioli - Auditor

Richard A. Alaimo Associates - Engineer

Anthony Fiorello, Esq. - Attorney

Richard A. Alaimo, P.E./Kauker Associates - Planner

Michael F. Kelly, Esq. - Public Defender

Michael Foulon – Assistant Public Defender

Ralph Fava, Esq. - Prosecutor

Scarinci & Hollenbeck, LLC - Sean Dias - Labor Counsel

Hawkins, Delafield & Wood - Bond Counsel

Arthur J. Gallagher & Company of N.J., Inc. (AL, GL, WC)

Centerprise, Inc. (Health)


1.  These Contracts are awarded without competitive bidding as a "Professional Service" under the provisions of the Local Public Contracts Law because services are to be performed by a person authorized to practice a recognized profession and it was not possible to obtain competitive bids.

           2.  A copy of this Resolution shall be published in the Suburban Trends as required by Law, within ten days of its passage.


            On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Balunis and Mahler moved a motion to approve the aforementioned Resolutions.

On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the resolution adopted.


   Resolution #20-0-05:

     Re:  Appointment of Emergency Management Personnel


            BE IT RESOLVED that Detective Captain Thomas Norton be and he is hereby appointed to the position of Emergency Management Coordinator for a term of three years, effective January 1, 2005; and

            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Thomas F. Carroll be and he is hereby appointed as Assistant Emergency Management Coordinator (provisional) effective January 1, 2005 at an annual salary of $2,697.00.


   Resolution #21-0-05:

     Re:  Award Bid – Garbage Disposal Services


WHEREAS, the Borough of Wanaque has entered into a cooperative pricing agreement with the Borough of Hawthorne for the procurement of solid waste disposal; and

WHEREAS, on December 29, 2004 the Borough of Hawthorne awarded a contract to ONYX Waste Services for a term of five (5) years at $84.87 per ton; and

WHEREAS, the Borough of Wanaque wishes to award a subsidiary contract to ONYX Waste Services under the Borough of Hawthorne agreement;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Borough Clerk be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with ONYX Waste Services, Inc., 1 Center Street, Suite C, Totowa, NJ for solid waste disposal services for a term of five (5) years at a cost of $84.87 per ton; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Financial Officer will certify funds as needed under blanket purchase order procedures.


   Resolution #22-0-05:

     Re: Temporary Budget  

Councilmen Mahler and O’Connell moved that,


WHEREAS, N.J.S. 40A:4-19 provides that where contracts, commitments, or payment are to be made prior to final adoption of the 2005 Budget, temporary appropriations should be made for the purposes and amounts required in the manner and time therein provided; and

WHEREAS, the date of this Resolution is within the first thirty (30) days of January 1, 2005; and

WHEREAS, said total temporary appropriations are limited to one quarter of the total appropriations in the 2004 Budget exclusive of any appropriations made for debt service, capital improvements fund, or public assistance in said 2004 Budget;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Wanaque, that the following temporary appropriations be made and that a certified copy of this Resolution be transmitted to the Treasurer for his/her records.


                                                               CURRENT FUND


Administrative and Executive:

        Salary & Wages                                                             $    60,000.00

        Other Expenses                                                                    10,000.00

Gasoline                                                                                        8,604.00

Telephone                                                                                     8,000.00

Financial Administration

        Salary & Wages                                                                  21,800.00

        Other Expenses                                                                     1,500.00

        Data Processing                                                                    6,200.00

Annual Audit                                                                                5,000.00

Collection of Taxes:

        Salary & Wages                                                                  21,800.00

        Other Expenses                                                                     1,500.00

Assessment of Taxes:

        Salary & Wages                                                                  15,500.00

        Other Expenses                                                                        700.00

Legal Services & Costs:

        Retainer - Salaries & Wages                                                12,500.00

        Fees                                                                                        5,000.00

Municipal Court:

        Salary & Wages

        Other Expenses


Municipal Prosecutor:

         Retainer - Salaries & Wages                                                 2,000.00

Engineering Services & Costs:


         Fees                                                                                       5,156.00

Public Buildings & Grounds:

         Salary & Wages                                                                  20,000.00

         Other Expenses                                                                   15,000.00

Planning Board:

         Salary & Wages                                                                    2,000.00

         Other Expenses                                                                        500.00

Board of Adjustment:

         Salary & Wages                                                                    2,000.00

         Other Expenses                                                                        500.00


         Group Insurance                                                                 240,000.00

         Other Insurance                                                                  239,387.00

Fire Department:

          Salary & Wages                                                                    1,000.00

          Other Expenses                                                                   13,000.00                     

Fire Prevention Bureau:

          Salary & Wages                                                                    4,200.00

          Other Expenses                                                                     1,500.00

Master Plan/Continuing Planning:                                                  3,500.00

Recycling                                                                                     100,000.00


           Salary & Wages                                                                515,497.00

           Other Expenses                                                                   37,000.00

Construction Code Official:

            Salary & Wages                                                                 24,459.00

            Other Expenses                                                                    1,000.00

Emergency Management:

            Salary & Wages                                                                   3,000.00

            Other Expenses                                                                    1,700.00

Road Department:

            Salary & Wages                                                               150,000.00

            Other Expenses                                                                  15,000.00

Street Lighting:

            Other Expenses                                                                    6,000.00

Garbage & Trash Removal:

            Contractual                                                                       169,100.00

            Passaic County Utility Authority      

Board of Health:

            Salary & Wages                                                                  22,000.00

            Other Expenses                                                                     3,000.00

Administration Public Assistance:

            Salary & Wages                                                                    2,200.00

            Other Expenses                                                                        613.00

First Aid Contribution:

            Other Expenses                                                                     6,000.00

Parks & Playgrounds:

            Salary & Wages                                                                    6,800.00

            Other Expenses                                                                   10,000.00

Electrical Inspections:                                                                       3,500.00

Plumbing Inspections:                                                                       2,591.00

Contribution to:

            Public Employees' Retirement System

            Police & Firemen's Retirement System                                

            Consolidated Police & Firemen's Pension Fund               

            Social Security System (O.A.S.I.)                                       25,000.00


                                                                                 TOTAL    $1,832,308.00


                                                 CURRENT FUND - OUTSIDE CAP


Administrative & Executive:

            Salary & Wages

            Other Expenses

Legal Services & Costs:



Engineering Services & Costs:



Planning Board:

            Salary & Wages

            Other Expenses

            Master Planner

Board of Adjustment:

            Salary & Wages

            Other Expenses

Construction Code Official:

            Salary & Wages

            Other Expenses

Fire Prevention Bureau:

            Salary & Wages

            Other Expenses

Electrical Inspections:

            Other Expenses


            Salary & Wages

            Other Expenses

Municipal Court Administration:

            Salary & Wages                                                                   23,911.00

            Other Expenses                                                                      2,000.00

Maintenance of Free Public Library:                                               74,330.00

Board of Health:

            Salary & Wages

            Other Expenses  

Contribution to:

             Public Employees Retirement System                              100,892.00

             Police & Firemen’s Retirement System

             Social Security (O.A.S.I.)

             Unemployment Insurance & Disability Fund        


                                                                                 TOTAL     $   201,133.00


                                                                  GRAND TOTAL     $2,033,441.00


                                                          WATER UTILITY FUND



            Salary & Wages                                                             $  162,070.00

            Other Expenses                                                                  107,128.00

Contribution to:

            Public Employees' Retirement System                                  3,020.00

            Social Security (O.A.S.I.)                                                      8,000.00

            Unemployment Insurance & Disability Fund


                                                                               TOTAL       $  280,218.00


On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.     




Councilmen Mahler and O’Connell moved that,


WHEREAS, N.J.A. 40A:4-19 provides that a Governing Body may make appropriations for interest and debt redemption charges maturing during the fiscal year at any time between December 20th of the year 2004 the beginning of the fiscal year and the date of the adoption of the Budget;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Wanaque, County of Passaic, that the following temporary appropriations be made and that a certified copy of this Resolution be transferred to the Treasurer for his/her records.




Payment of Bond Principal:                                                       $140,000.00

Interest on Bonds                                                                         136,565.75




Payment of Bond Principal                                                        $110,000.00

Interest on Bonds                                                                           39,169.00


On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.


Resolution #23-0-05



On entertainment of Mayor, Councilmen Theoharous and O’Connell moved that,


BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Borough of Wanaque that the official depositories for the Year 2005 shall be Wachovia Bank, Lakeland State Bank, PNC Bank, MBIA Class New Jersey, New Jersey Cash Management Fund, Commerce Bank, Bank of America.


On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.


Resolution #24-0-05:



On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Mahler and Balunis moved that,


WHEREAS, Section 3d of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter

231, P.L. 1975 requires that certain notice of meetings be submitted to two (2) newspapers, one of which shall be the official newspaper; and

WHEREAS, the second newspaper designated by this body must be one which has the greatest likelihood of informing the public within the jurisdictional boundaries of this body of such meeting;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Wanaque, County of Passaic, State of New Jersey, as follows:


First:   The Suburban Trends is hereby designated as the official newspaper of the

                       Borough and it is to receive all notices of meetings as required under the

                       Open Public Meetings Act.


        Second:   It is the opinion of this body that the Herald & News shall be designated as

                       The second newspaper as it has the greatest likelihood of informing the

                        public within the jurisdictional area of this body of such meeting.


           This Resolution shall take effect immediately.


On roll call, all voted yes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.


Resolution #25-0-05:



On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Pasquariello and O’Connell moved that,


BE IT RESOLVED that the Work and Regular Meetings of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Wanaque shall be as follows:


WORK MEETING: 2nd Monday of the Month - 7:00 P.M.

REGULAR MEETING: 2nd Monday of the Month - 8:00 P.M.


On roll call, all voted yes, and the Mayor declared the motion carried.




The Mayor asked Reverend Donald DeGroat of the United Methodist Church to administer the Benediction.




   Litigation/Personnel/Negotiations/Any other priviledged







On entertainment of the Mayor, Councilmen Monks and Mahler moved a motion to adjourn the meeting; meeting adjourned at 12:50 P.M.





Katherine J. Falone, RMC, CMC

Municipal Clerk